


Desert Lager storms beer market

Desert Lager storms beer market

Homateni Kapewangolo, talks about market entry

Homateni Kapewangolo, talks about market entry

A new Namibian quality beer with a smooth and a well-balanced taste profile, Desert Lager has entered the market and this innovation from Namibian entrepreneurs is set to take the beer market by storm. With keen interest on this new creation, Confidente Business Editor, Hilary Mare (HM) caught with Desert Lager founder Homateni Kapewangolo (HK) who spoke about the origins of the beer and where they look to take it.

(HM): To begin with, please share with us your background and how this initiative came about:

(HK): I am a 35 year old Namibian and I founded Desert Lager after having spent 10 years in the brewing and beverage Industry. At varsity (UNAM) my field of study was BSc majoring in chemistry and physiological and molecular biology. It was never easy to source funding to produce Desert Lager as most investors and financiers regarded the project as high risk due to the fact that it’s a new untested concept and brand that has not proven itself in terms of sales. Hence it’s been challenging and difficult with zero funding to progress from our research and development prototype to the actual commercial product that you now see in the market. All my initial proposals for funding were all based on building a local factory with the intention then to produce Desert Lager’s first consignment for Namibia. No investor wanted to risk their money in a factory with untested brands, and they are right, I have no hard feelings about that. In fact the rejection challenged me to rethink the process but the goal and outcome remained the same. Therefore when my Namibian factory proposal was rejected I never gave up, I went back to my initial plan and re-strategized. I took my savings and went to South Africa to look for strategic breweries that could help me co-pack my Namibian.

(HM): How do you seek to penetrate the market and what is your niche market?

(HK): With our very first consignments we have engaged with SME outlets in strategic locations around Namibia, as we believe that our brands will only be able to grow if we engage and bring our people on board to actively participate in our incentive scheme and product placing in trade. Our growth prospect is to put people first in everything we do as true empowerment stems from the people. We are also working around the clock to have major retailers on board to stock our product.

(HM): What are some of the good things about this new Lager?

(HK): Desert Lager is a Namibian quality beer with a smooth and well balanced taste profile, the golden appearance complemented by the well balanced taste is guaranteed to satisfy Namibian‘s palate for smoother lagers.

(HM): Are you looking at creating jobs or setting up a brewery locally in the long run?

(HK): The brand is an innovation from Namibians young entrepreneurs who have a bigger vision to bolster the manufacturing sector in Namibia and create true economic and empowerment opportunities for Namibians. Toini Kauluma is one such example. She is a young and brilliant woman who assisted our team design the Desert Lager label and crafted it to what you see today. She is a local youth who studied Multimedia interface design in Malaysia and we were inspired by her talent, creativity and drive, therefore making a deliberate decision to entrust the design process to her. Why? She is the embodiment of our commitment to create true economic freedom and empowerment opportunities for young Namibians.

We will continue to seek ways in which we can uplift our people; because were it not for people like her Desert Lager would not exist as it does now. As young Namibians, we must take on the button to take Namibia to economic freedom and assist in delivering on our various national goals as articulated in Vision 2030, NDP 5 and the Harambee Prosperity Plan. The reason for this investment is to create employment opportunities, local beneficiation and empowerment initiatives across our stakeholders. Our business model is designed to be a true partner, unleashing true value through the value stream by deliberately creating business opportunities for other SME and women groups in particular. Plans are underway to have a factory setup in Namibia and this is where we will also be looking at offering co-packing services to Namibian entrepreneurs and SME that would want to participate in the beverage industry locally and regionally. We are also actively looking at future opportunities for Namibians to have them participate in playing a key role in local manufacturing and supplying raw materials (malted barley, glass, cans, crowns, caps etc) to our future factories locally and regionally. We believe that this will be empowerment for our people in Namibia and Africa at large.

(HM): Many would want to know what this lager contains and what drives its taste. Can you share?

(HK): Desert Lager is brewed with the highest quality malted barley, hops and water to give it its smooth quality taste.

(HM): What is the behind the name Desert? How did it come up?

(HK): As is with the Namib Desert, this brand can be described as:

Tenacious and courageous: resolute, purposeful and determined.

Uncompromising: On its extrinsic and intrinsic values.

Golden and beautiful: smooth and quality liquid for the arid climate of Namibia.

Pure and untouched: highest quality from the purest ingredients.

Distant romantic: fierce love for Namibia and its people.

Provocative: pioneering into unchartered waters.

Impenetrable: solid, brave soul.

(HM): What is your overall view of the beer industry in Namibia?

(HK): Namibia’s beer industry is quite well established especially in the distribution and retail sector. However
more support is needed to get more Namibian companies and local entrepreneurs to actively participate in the manufacturing sector of the beer
and beverage industry at large. The outlook must really be on getting our people on board to unlock their potential to create world class brands that have the potential to be sold in all
corners of the world. This will help our economy, our people, help reduce unemployment. It will put Namibia and Africa at large in a position to attract direct investment to bolster other sectors such as Agriculture, ICT, logistics etc benefiting our people.

(HM): Anything else you would like to share? Please do

(HK): Our company specializes in producing alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages such as beer, soft drinks, energy drinks etc. However most of these offerings will be made possible with the planned local factory.